Saturday, May 25, 2013

Setting free - what does it really really mean?

Truth, and not lies, can set you free -- can set your mind free. This is the biggest takeaway I had from watching the video below from Gangaji, an American spiritual and author.

If you are feeling a little stuck in the rut today, this may very well lift up your mood.

Here, she talks about being true to yourself and accepting the thought that "we are not enough". Feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, coincidentally is felt by almost every normal human being, so we drive ourselves to attain more and more. However, "enoughness" is almost non-existent. We can't possibly fill our brain with all the knowledge in the world, earn all the wealth in the world and etc. Hence, Gangaji expounds the need to be with ourselves and our state, whatever, wherever it is.

- May peace be with you -

Friday, May 3, 2013

May stillness be with you

There are times when we feel in a rut and no number of positive thoughts can lift our mood. That's fine and I think there's no need to force ourselves to be happy. However, what we can do ourselves really is just to be still, to stand on the grounds of neutrality. 

I tend to believe that our mood is on a linear scale where you can rate it from 0 to 10, with 10 being the happiest. Staying happy is not about being on number 10 all the time, but it's about not being from 0 to 4. Even lying on 5, the state of neutrality, can be a very nice feeling. 

Be still, and slowly happiness will come searching for you. 
